Sunday, March 9, 2008

Closing Comments-Anne Dachel

This item was emailed to this blog--AR

The stunning court case conceding that vaccines were related to autism just last week in Georgia is the beginning of the public's awakening to the truth about autism and vaccines. Many voices are out there questioning the tired claims of public health officials about vaccine safety. The issue is unstoppable now and it will only get more attention in the press.

Ashley Reynolds and her team were among the first few courageous voices in the media presenting the issue in a truly fair and balanced manner. They had to face the criticism from local health officials and university professors, but they were unwilling to downplay the facts they uncovered.

This blog may end, but this outstanding news series will live on!

Anne McElroy Dachel

Member of the board of A-CHAMP

Media Editor: AGE OF AUTISM

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